Thursday, July 9, 2015

Easy First Birthday Invitations-UNO Theme

My little guy will be turning ONE (!) in August, which has me busy thinking of ideas for his FIRST birthday. After spending a few minutes on pinterest for ideas for birthday themes, I found the perfect theme... UNO after the card game. With the Mexican blood in our family, it was perfect. This was truly an easy project to make the invitations, that gave a big WOW effect. I really had fun making them.

Items needed- Colored Paper ( Green, Yellow, Red,Blue) Glue, Glitter, White & Black Paper, Scissors, White Sharpie, CD (to trace).

Take your CD and trace circles (I could fit 3 on my paper) on to each color paper. You need one color for each invite. Cut.

Fold Each circle in half, and glue to each other in the same color pattern as UNO cards. 

Now, trace the UNO logo with the white marker to the black paper. I just used a Logo from a card and as a stencil.

Then I glued it to the top of the inside of the invite. 

Next I glued a UNO card on the opposite side (Please make sure that it is right side up, so when they open the invite, the invite isn't upside down.. learn from my mistake ;-) ) I also Glittered the edges of the card, and the invite. 

Now just Glue your invite inside. To deliver, just fold in each of the ends like you would a box... and you have yourself an invitation!

Here is a video on how to make the invitation.

Here is a little behind the scenes jewel. Damian trying to help <3 
All for the Glory of God...